Monday, October 18, 2010


No pictures or nothing.

Just another bad day.  We left the RV park early, about 8:15.  We had been given instructions to Walmart on the back roads.  That didn't work out but that turned out to be a good thing.  We had given up, were on the on ramp to I-26 when Doug noticed the front tire on the fiver was at an angle.  We pulled on to the shoulder and he saw that the bearing was completely thrashed and the tire was about to fall off.  Thank Goodness, we hadn't gone on the freeway.

He unhitched put the truck behind the rig with the flashers on and took it all apart.  We went in the truck to Lester's RV in Newberry who just happen to be a Flagstaff dealer.  (they are few and far between).  We got all the parts we needed and went back to the rig.  It was still there, whoppie!  Doug put it all together but after about five miles, he noticed the wheel was on an angle again. 

We limped back to the dealership.  They were very nice.  Turns out the parts they sold us were just a little different and therefore not staying in place.  The mechanic, Earl (a true Southerner, and he had a hard time understanding our accent) disassembled it again and put it all back together again.  He then replaced our flat tire from yesterday.  He also noticed that the tires that we had bought the day before at Walmart were under-inflated.  By 20 lbs!!!!  So all this cost nearly $300.00 but we are all fixed up.

We were also desperate to find propane.  Doesn't anyone sell propane.  We were completely out and our fridge was starting to thaw.  We eventually find some at an Ace Hardware store.

So after all that, my amazing husband managed to drive us safely all the way to Savannah.  We are happily ensconced at Skidaway State Park for at least a week.  That is enough excitement for a good long time.

Thank you guys for all your good wishes.  We promise to behave.


Wanderin' said...

You definitely have had enough excitement for all of us! Glad you're finally sitting still for a while so we don't have to worry about you.

Jim and Sandie said...

I am so glad you have arrived and won't be moving for a week. You guys really need to destress. We make sure that our propane doesn't get too far below half before we find a place to fill. I freak out that we may be without heat when it's so cold (like it is this morning!!!!!)

Sure hope you guys have a great time in Skidaway area.

Paul Weaver said...

Hope everything settles down and runs well. Enjoy's a great town!

Anonymous said...

It's not you misbehaving, it's your rig. Tell it to straighten up and fly right, now! We want you safe and healthy!