![Image may contain: 1 person, drink, hat and indoor](https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15823128_10154666828276480_5454237985415803179_n.jpg?oh=9112c0cd5f3afb5c39481dd5e53e704a&oe=58E01D7A)
We welcomed in the new year at Rovers' Roost in Casa Grande.
New Years day we had a some friends in for a turkey dinner.
Monday morning after many good-bye hugs, we traveled the 180 miles to Yuma, Arizona and our favourite place to boondock. We had expected to meet friends Bill and Irene here but as we arrived first, we ended up by ourselves which is fine with us. Bill and Irene are just in the next compound some 1000 feet away. We have been in a lot of parks lately and we need some down time. In two weeks, our new friends Paul and Terri are coming back from Ajax, Ontario to join us. We are looking forward to seeing them.
Arizona is well known for beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Pilot Knob is a good place for both. Sunrise in front of our rig
And sunset behind it
We haven't had much sunshine in Arizona, or anywhere since Louisanna. We need the sunshine or our solar doesn't charge. We do have a generator if need be but we would rather not use it.
The ocotillo is just coming into bud.
We were surprised to see Canada Geese here.
We have quite a bit to do while we are boondocking in the desert. We are having our awning replaced. We are going to touch up our pealing decals. We have places to go and people to see.
At this point we don't know for sure when we are heading north. My father has terminal lung cancer and we may have to return to care for him. There is a lot of snow in British Columbia and we may not be able to travel due to the snow on the mountain passes. Time will tell.
Enjoy the peace and quiet.
Beautiful place to rest and relax. And do a few chores.
There is a lot of snow in the Pacific NW. It is so unusual but they seem to be getting a lot of it this year. Be safe!
Here's hoping you get to stay in the states all winter.
Sorry to hear about your father.
Hopefully Yuma is warmer than Quartzsite is at the moment.
Say hello to your friends from Ajax for us. Our Base is just outside of Windsor, Ontario.
Be Safe and Enjoy the warmer weather.
It's about time.
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