Wednesday, December 1, 2010

JUST FOR FUN - The Three Bears - in Italian!!

***found this today and thought I'd share with you.  Remember it's in Italian (well sort of)***


Wan suppona taim was tri berresse:  Mamma Berre, Pappa Berre, ena Bebi Berre liva inna contri nir foress.  Naise aus.  No muchegoaon. 

Wanna dei, Pappa Berre, Mamma en Bebi go byby, onie fughetta locche bacedor.

Bei enna bei commesse Guidelocchesse.  Sci gadda notting tudu budde meichedetruble.  Sci puche olladafud indamaude.  No liva crome.  Den sci goss oppesterres enna slips inna olladabeddse.  Leise slubbe.

Bei enna bei commesse ohm di tri Berresse -   Dei gaddano fud.  Dei gaddano beddse.  Ena wadda dei gonnado to Guidelocchesse?  Tro erre aut inna strait? Culle pulissemens?  Fette cjense!

Dei wass Hitelien berresse, enna de nominda dei slippa onna floors.  Guidelocchesse stei derre tri wics.  Sci etam autta ausenohm.  Den - guista bicose dei esccha erre tu meichedebeddse - sci sei:  Gotuelle! Ena rona ohm crainke tu erre Mamma, tellerre wat sanimabichese di tri berresse uer.

Watsins?  Waddaui gonnado?  Go compleine Sitiolle?

1 comment:

Linda Sand said...

Funny! Thanks for sharing this.