Sunday, July 11, 2010

A WEEKEND WITH G&G!!!! By: Nico & Jakob Branham

On Saturday June, 10th, we made the long car ride to Rolley Lake. When we got there, we sat down in a scenic camping spot for a good old fashioned barbeque dinner. We played Ladder Golf, Grounders and just hung out. My Mom and Grandma talked, and Uncle Graeme played Ladder Golf with us, but the pictures of him were all blurry.

< Grandma, sitting at the table

< My dad, Mike, and our dog, Charlie

My brother, Jakob playing Ladder Golf>

On Saturday night we roasted marshmallows on a fire- they tasted sooo good.
The next day, we got up and started a fire. We fried eggs and toasted bread on sticks over the campfire. It was really good, and I didn't even know hat you could make toast over a fire. After breakfast, Garndpa took me and Jakob on a hike to the Waterfalls. It took us 40 minutes to get to the bottom, and when we finally got there, all that was there was a dusty dirt road.

1 comment:

Jim and Sandie said...

What a great week-end.