Tuesday, December 26, 2017


A couple of months ago Doug mentioned that it might be nice to have a white Christmas. "How?" I said.  With our daughter and her family just west of Winnipeg, that's Manitoba, and it's cold at Christmastime.  Indeed cold, the coldest since 1992, dipping to -30*C with a wind chill, making it -40*.

This is what happens when you throw a kettle-full of boiling water into the cold air.  SNOW!

We flew from Phoenix, leaving 77*F, on Thursday.  The flight and drives were the best kind, uneventful.  We arrived at our motel just after dark.  

The motel is basic but the best part is that it is warm!  Nice and warm.  There is a kitchenette with a fridge and microwave.

The view from our window
Our daughter likes Christmas as much as I do and has done her best to include us in everything. 

Together we all got the Christmas meal prepared. 

The boys got the Mass Effect version of Monopoly for Christmas and we all played a couple of games after dinner.

They have three lovely cats.  Very big, very smart cats.

We fly back on Thursday if we don't freeze solid by then.


Linda Sand said...

I wonder if that's how the snow makers at the ski hills work?

It looks like you had a good Christmas. I hope the drive hime is just as uneventful as the drive up was.

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

Glad you Enjoyed Christmas with your family even if it was white and cold.
Sorry to read about your cat.
Be Safe!

It's about time.

Jim and Sandie said...

You definitely had a white Christmas. I just wish they could figure out how to give us snow for a white Christmas but keep the temps in the 70's. That would work for me. Glad you had such a good time and safe travels tomorrow on your way home. So very very sorry about your kitty.

Wanderin' said...

That certainly looks cold but at least Doug got his white Christmas. We had talked about flying to Denver to take the train through the mountains just to see snow but didn't need to do that. The snow found us.