Blogging is like an illness or addiction. You can't seem to quit. If you quit for a while, things just pile up and pile up. At this age, I think it's important to write things down so you can look back and remember. Even when not much is going on or when when what is going on isn't particularly interesting to anyone but yourself.
And so I blog.
We no longer expect spring. Every time we do, we get more snow. The spring flowers are poking up and the squirrels and birds are ready.
Doug doesn't let the snow and cold keep him from the many hiking trails just across the street. I would rather sit in the warm trailer and watch mindless television.
I got new slippers, fun ones!
We have been out to lunch with friends and we have had friends over.
Tomorrow we have some paperwork to deliver regarding my Dad's estate and we are going to make a day of it. We are going to take the skytrain to the city.
Most of the work has been done at my Dad's house. We have emptied every cupboard, cabinet, drawer and closet. We have thrown out numerous bags of trash. We have been to the lawyer, seen the will (Doug is resting easy now - no mention of The SPCA) and filled out paperwork for the government. We have met with the realtor. We cannot list the house until probate has been completed. We are on hold now until my brother Steve returns from Arizona in about 10 days.
The skytrain sounds like fun and do hunting for a parking spot.
Glad to hear all is going well with dad's estate. Knowing you two, you have everything covered!
Settling an estate is a lot of paperwork and a lot of patience. So enjoy your day and the skytrain.
Dealing with an estate takes a lot of time and patience. Nothing gets done in the time frame you expect.
I'm sure Steve is glad to have you there taking care of all these things. I now how much I appreciated my brothers doing that for my Mom. Good for you for doing it.
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