This is sunrise out our living-room window.
The city of Yuma is about 10 miles down the road. There are three Walmarts in Yuma, wonderful restaurants, a 14 screen theatre, and many tourist attractions.
This area was training grounds for General Patton during the 2nd World War. The "knob" was and is still, a landmark for pilots to find the Yuma Air Force base. We often have our own private airshow overhead.
Highway 8 is about a mile from here, directly out the window. Doug and I both enjoy watching the traffic fly down the highway. At night, the semis are all lit up like a Christmas parade.
There are currently 7 rigs in this section, and another 10 a little way down the road. Several years ago we made friends with a couple who, during the time we owned houses, lived only blocks from us in Langley. It is nice to have friends to watch out for our rig when we go to town. We get together most every day for "happy hour". This being the Presidents Day weekend, there will probably be a lot of weekenders pulling in with their noisy ATV's which they will run up and down the desert raising dust and generally annoying us full-timers.
Doug and I will be here until Wednesday when we will join some new friends in Quartzsite to help with the 2nd annual Bloggerfest. And then we will come back to Pilot Knob until we figure out what's next.

It is very nice there at Pilot Knob and some excellent desert sunsets even here in Quartzsite.
Looking forward to meeting you guys.
We miss it there.
We miss it there.
President Day weekend is in February. I have to admit that I do miss a little bit of desert boondocking this year. Oh well, there's always another year.
That is a gorgeous area for sure. Enjoy the silence and the beauty while you can. You know how crazy the Q gets this time of year.
If you see any Canadians with a guitar might be Glen grab your ear plugs!!!!! Miss ya'll. ;)
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